how to predict what youll look like with long hair

There's a common notion that, for men,if you want to figure out whether you'll go bald, you can only look at your mother's father.

If he was bald, the thinking goes, you'll be bald too. If he wasn't, yous're safe.

Every bit information technology turns out, genetic research tells us that the full picture is somewhat more than complicated — simply this idea isn't entirely misleading.

Male design alopecia (formally known as androgenic baldness, or AGA) does appear to be mostly determined by genes. And if you lot're a man, some of the crucial genes that determine your hair loss over fourth dimension do tend to come from your maternal grandpa — although other genes from all of your parents and grandparents also play a role.

Soyou tin get a rough idea of your run a risk of baldness by just looking at both your maternal grandfather and your father's scalps. Basically, one bald guy = bad. Two bald guys = worse.

Alopecia is highly genetic

Many concrete traits are the result of a circuitous interplay between a person's genes and the surrounding surround. Simply male pattern baldness appears to exist especially dependent on genetic influences. (Female person pattern baldness is distinct, and appears to be acquired by entirely different factors.)

"If you expect at identical twins — who share 100 percentage of their genes — typically, they take a very similar design of hair loss," says Markus Nöthen, a geneticist at the University of Bonn in Federal republic of germany who studies the factors that contribute to male pattern baldness.

Based on identical twin studies, he and other researchers have calculated that somewhere betwixt 79 and 81 percentage of alopecia is determined by genes. But Nöthen speculates that the real number may be even higher, due to twins sometimes erroneously giving themselves slightly different ratings on the Hamilton-Norwood scale, generally used to distinguish between levels of baldness.


The all-important Hamilton-Norwood scale.( Periodical of Investigative Dermatology, Nyholt et. al.)

Of course, very few concrete traits are adamant past a single factor, and alopecia is no exception. Over the past few decades, researchers have uncovered a number of different genes that announced to be involved.

Baldness genes reside on different types of chromosomes

To utilize this information to estimate your ain chance of going bald, there'south ane key affair to know: within each of your cells, you have two basic types of chromosomes (structures of coiled DNA that contain well-nigh of your genes).


(Sponk/Wikimedia Commons)

Most of your chromosomes are called autosomes — each of your cells has 22 pairs of them, with one chromosome from each pair coming from your mother, and the other from your father.

But each of your cells also has one pair of sexual activity chromosomes, which determine your biological sex. Everyone has at least ane X chromosome, which comes from your female parent. Merely when you lot were conceived, your begetter's sperm randomly provided either another X or a Y chromosome, which adamant your sex — if it was an Ten, you're biologically a female, and if it was a Y, you lot're biologically a male.

And so, for males, all the 10 chromosome genes you have tin can exist traced exclusively to your mother.


A karyotype, showing the 23 pairs of chromosomes in a male homo prison cell. Chromosome 23 is the XY pair. (Mikael Häggström/Wikimedia Eatables)

Why your maternal granddaddy's genes really are of import

"The single gene most strongly associated with alopecia is on the X chromosome," Nöthen says. His research has shown that it's involved in the fabrication of your cells' androgen receptors — structures that recognize the presence of testosterone and other hormones.

If you're a man, you got your 10 chromosome — which either has or does non have the variation of this gene that promotes alopecia — solelyfrom your mother. In that location's a 50 percent chance that she in turn got it from her father — and so if your maternal grandfather had the Ten chromosome genes for baldness, there's at least a fifty percent chance you practice too. (The same goes for your maternal grandmother, but information technology's harder to casually appraise her genes in this surface area, because they're not expressed equally male pattern alopecia.)

Now, research has shown that not all of the baldness-related genes are on the X chromosome — there are eleven other genetic sequences of varying importance identified and then far, located on chromosomes 1, two, iii, 5, 7, 12, 17, 18, and 20. You inherited these chromosomes from both your female parent and father, who inherited them from their mothers and fathers.

All these genes interact in complex ways that we don't yet totally understand to increase or decrease the chance of male pattern baldness. Then just having the baldness genes on 1's 10 chromosome is no guarantee of going bald, and not having them isn't a sign you're safe either.

But one reason why your maternal gramps'due south genes are so importantis that, if you're a human being, you lot just take 1 ready of Ten chromosome genes, versus two sets of autosomal genes. For the latter, you can have one variation that promotes baldness and another that does not, giving yous a medium hazard of going bald. "If you take ane copy, y'all have a sure level of take a chance, and that is further increased by a second copy," Nöthen says.

But because you only have one set up of Ten chromosome genes, the hazard is full-bodied. For whatsoever given baldness-related factor on this chromosome — including the androgen receptor gene — you either have information technology or you don't.

Then tin you utilize all this effigy out if you're going to go bald?



Alas, not completely — but yous can get some crude clues about what'll happen to your hair as yous age just past lookingat your male parent and maternal gramps'due south heads.

Basically, if your maternal grandfather went bald, in that location's a skillful hazard that you accept some of the X chromosome genes for baldness, and some chance you take the autosomal genes for it also . If your father went bald, there's a good gamble that you accept the autosomal chromosome genes for it, but this has no impact on your chromosomal genes . (Yous can find out with a fleck more certainty, for two of the genes on chromosomes X and twenty, by taking a genetic test.)

This doesn't mean that your father's (and paternal grandad'southward) genes don't play a part, simply it provides existent back up for the widespread thought that your maternal grandfather's genes are especially crucial.

The key question: are they actually more than important than your male parent's? Information technology's still non known*. All these genes (and perhaps more still to be discovered) interact in complex ways, and continuing genetic research will exist necessary before at that place'south a foolproof way to predict the fate of your scalp.

*One way scientists are trying to effigy out the relative importance of each set of genes is by looking at the average rates of resemblance (in terms of hair loss levels) between fathers and sons, versus maternal grandfathers and grandsons.

Theoretically, if all the of import genes were on the Ten chromosome, men would friction match their maternal grandfathers more strongly than their fathers, on average. If they were all on autosomal chromosomes, they'd match their fathers more closely.

Researchers are still gathering epidemiological data to figure out which is the instance, but Nöthen has calculated that the tipping bespeak is 37 percent. In other words, if more than 37 percent of the influence comes from 10 chromosome genes, men will more closely resemble their grandfathers; if it'due south less, they'll more closely resemble their fathers.


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