How Much Weight Do Babies Gain at the End of Pregnancy

Week 01 to Calendar week 04

Week i

This week, you would have your last menstrual periods before you conceive. That ways, your expected delivery date is calculated every bit 40 weeks from the first twenty-four hour period of last menstrual period and this calendar week is considered as role of your pregnancy period. Your oestrogen hormone levels increase and a special kind of mucous like substance lines your uterus and the fallopian tubes to facilitate transit of sperms into the tubes. This mucous also protects and keeps the sperms alive for about three-5 days. While yous program to conceive, prepare yourself well. Avert alcohol, drugs, tobacco or any other substances that are harmful to your baby. Swallow a healthy diet rich in vitamins, peculiarly folic acid.

Calendar week two

You would have released an ovum (egg) around this time and if viable sperms remain in the fallopian tube, fertilisation of the egg past the sperm may take place close to end of this week. You would accept conceived and a new life starts growing inside yous!

Week 3

During these seven days after conception, the fertilised egg undergoes a serial of cell division commencement from breakup into two cells, then four followed past eight cells and then goes on dividing as it travels from the fallopian tube into your uterus (womb). In one case in the womb, this group of cells appears like a small ball (morula). This ball of cells becomes fluid-filled (blastocyst) and towards the end of this calendar week, blastocyst gets embedded into the lining of your womb. This is called implantation process and takes about six days to be completed. One time implanted, the developing embryo can admission your blood supply and receive nutrition. Your baby starts producing a hormone called homo chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), which prevents your menstrual periods and turns your pregnancy test positive.

Calendar week 4

Your infant which is a ball of cells just about the size of an apple tree seed is now chosen an embryo. Information technology is made of 2 cell layers called epiblast and hypoblast which class future organs and tissues of the baby. Amnion and the yolk sac are ii other structures that develop this week. The amnion with its amniotic fluid envelops and protects the growing embryo. Yolk sac makes the claret that nourishes the embryo until placenta forms and takes over the function.

Week 05 to Week 07

Week five

Week 5

Your babe that looked similar a mass of cells until now, gains a distinct shape this week. The embryo is most half a centimetre long and appears as a tadpole. The neural tube develops which volition later get your baby's spinal string and brain. Your baby's heart and other vital organs such equally kidneys and liver start developing. The placenta likewise forms this time and your babe gets nourishment from your blood through the placenta.

Week six

Your baby has grown to about the size of a lentil by now. The encephalon and spinal cord are developing at a faster rate. Your baby has its facial features developing with those dark spots that transform into eyes and the pits on either side of the head brand up the ear. Baby'due south eye starts beating effectually this week and centre rate can fifty-fifty be detected on an ultrasound during your prenatal visit. Small buds protrude out that somewhen form your baby'southward hands and feet. The digestive and respiratory system organs start forming this week.

Calendar week 7

At present onwards your baby almost the size of a grape enters a very active developmental phase and at the same fourth dimension starts adapting to the life inside your womb. The umbilical cord which acts as a linkage between you lot and your baby throughout pregnancy has formed past now. This serves as a portal to provide oxygen and diet to your infant and also for waste product disposal from baby'south body.

Your baby is growing at a rapid step and all the body parts that accept started forming in the earlier weeks (heart and brain) differentiate and become complex. Your baby'due south digestive tract and lungs besides continue to develop. At the end of the arm bud that had formed final calendar week, a modest hand which looks like a paddle appears. Past this week, infant'due south confront acquires a distinct shape every bit facial features such every bit rima oris, nostrils, ears and optics become more divers.

Week 08 to Calendar week 12

Week 8

Week 08 to Week 12

Your baby measures almost one and a half centimetre by this calendar week. Lot of change takes identify this calendar week. The cute little fingers and toes which you long to cuddle with begin to form. Your baby tin can now curve its hand at the elbow and wrist. The eyes become more evident as they form pigment and also eyelids form to protect the optics. The buds that develop into your baby's genital organs as well appear this week.

Calendar week 9

Your baby at present appears similar a peapod and weighs around 2-3grams. By the end of this calendar week, your baby will measure out upward to ii.3 centimetres in length. The tail similar extension at the finish of spinal cord disappears and baby'southward caput grows very big compared to the remainder of the body. The hands have grown longer and fingers become clearly distinguishable. Baby's genitals start to develop from the buds that had appeared in the previous calendar week. Too, internal reproductive organs such as testes and ovaries begin forming this week. Your baby may make few of its beginning movements in this week which tin be well appreciated on an ultrasound.

Calendar week 10

By the terminate of this week, your infant has crossed the embryonic catamenia and volition be regarded as foetus from the side by side week onwards. The foetus measures iii centimetres and weighs not more than just 4 grams. Your infant starts developing very fine details such equally fingernails and hair equally it grows each day. The vital organs –the center, liver, kidneys, brain and lungs have formed completely and started their function. Molar buds announced inside the rima oris. If the foetus is male, so its testes begin producing testosterone, the male hormone.

Week eleven

You are heading towards the terminate of the first trimester. Your baby starts agile movements similar kicking and stretching. Your baby'due south fingers and toes have separated and the babe grows rapidly from now on until 20 weeks. The confront continues to develop and the ears have their final location, on the sides of the head. Your infant's head seems larger and is at least one-half the baby's length.

Week 12

This week marks the end of your first trimester. Baby'southward vocal cords form this calendar week. Your baby'south kidneys start to function every bit the amniotic fluid your baby swallows is passed out in the class of urine. The optics which were on the side of the caput come closer together. Brain development continues and by the stop of this week, your infant may get nearly 5.5 centimetre long and weigh around fourteen grams.

Week xiii to Week 15

Week thirteen

Week 13 to Week 15

Yous accept stepped into the second trimester of your pregnancy. You have your fully adult placenta to provide your babe plenty oxygen, nutrients and too dispose waste. Forth with this, the placenta starts producing hormones, progesterone and oestrogen that maintain your pregnancy. Your baby's eyelids become fused together in order to protect the developing eyes. Surprisingly, your baby's unique fingerprints have likewise developed by this time. Your baby measures effectually 7 to 8 centimetres long and weighs virtually 23 grams.

Week xiv

During this calendar week, very fine colourless hair develops and covers most of the baby'south torso. It is called lanugo and information technology usually disappears just before birth. Eyebrows also outset growing every bit do the hair on the scalp. Your infant's genitals have also completed development. Your baby can brand expressions –squint, pout or grimace and is able to grasp and suck its thumb. By at present your baby's body starts growing faster than the head portion and measures about 9 centimetre in length and weighs effectually 43 grams.

Week 15

Your baby is now about 15 centimetres in length head to toe and may counterbalance around 120 grams by the end of this calendar week. The caput portion may account for most one/3 rd of the babe's body length. If you accept been pregnant earlier, you may commencement feeling sensations of your baby's movements in this calendar week. Your baby is able to make some facial expressions and has the ability of grasping with easily and sucking the thumb. Your babe may showtime exploring inside your womb with its little hands! Baby's vocal chords accept too formed by now. The amount of amniotic fluid surrounding your baby also increases allowing it to movement around freely in the womb. Pilus continues growing on the head and eyebrows. The skeletal system and muscles keep developing due to which babe is able to motion his arms and legs.

Calendar week 16 to Calendar week 18

Week sixteen

Week 16 to Week 18

Your baby has grown up to the size of a pear fruit and in the following weeks in that location will be rapid growth in your baby. Your babe is able to agree its head in an erect position and tin make facial expressions such as squinting and frowning. Besides these activities, your baby may also grab hold of the umbilical cord and start playing with it! The circulatory system and urinary organisation are fully functional and your infant inhales and exhales the amniotic fluid through the lungs.

Week 17

Your infant may measure upto 19 centimetres from the caput to toe and weigh almost 280 grams by the end of this calendar week. Baby's skin appears transparent and wrinkled as the fatty layer underneath has non adult yet. The blood vessels beneath the pare can exist seen and makes the skin announced purple-ruby. A fine layer of hair called lanugo covers your infant's body and protects the tender infant skin until it is shed a few weeks earlier nativity. Your infant begins exploring its own trunk with the easily and there is ample amount of amniotic fluid for the babe to swim effectually and shift position very often.

Week 18

An ultrasound scan is usually done between eighteen and twenty weeks during which you lot may run into your infant kick, move arms or even suck the thumb. Your infant's breast moves upwardly and down when it inhales and exhales amniotic fluid, in a similar way every bit while breathing. The ears take their concluding position and in following weeks your babe may heed to your vocalism! The centre ear bones and nerves from the brain have developed and your babe can make out sounds of blood gushing through the umbilical cord and your heartbeat. Your babe'due south basic which accept been soft till at present start to harden or ossify during this calendar week.

Week xix to Week 22

Week 19

Week 19 to Week 22

By the cease of this week, your baby may measure about 22 centimetre caput to toe and weigh around 340 grams. Your baby'southward fingernails have completely formed and fingerprints tin can be seen engraved in their thin skin. Permanent tooth buds announced behind the primary tooth buds deep within the gums. A waxy layer called vernix caseosa covers and protects your baby'south subtle skin from harm.

Calendar week 20

You have completed well-nigh half of your journey through pregnancy this week! Your baby grows rapidly taking upwardly more than space in the womb. As your baby continues growing, you lot can feel more pressure on your lungs, stomach and bladder. Your baby'southward skin develops into layers and becomes thicker below the vernix caseosa. Hairs and nails keep growing.

Calendar week 21

Your baby will be measuring around 25 centimetres from caput to toe and weighing slightly less than half a kilogram by this calendar week. Baby's eyelids remain fused only the retina of the eye has formed completely. Eyelashes and eyebrows have formed. The hair follicles develop pigments that requite your baby's hair its colour. At this stage, your baby lies in a crossed position with anxiety towards one side of your tum and head on the other side. Bone marrow has at present adult well enough to take over the production of blood cells from the babe's liver and spleen.

Calendar week 22

Your babe looks more than proportional and weighs around 430 grams and nearly 27 centimetres from head to toe. The first tooth buds have appeared in the baby'southward gums. By the cease of 22 weeks, baby's nervous system develops completely and the connection betwixt brain and spinal cord matures. Your infant is at present able to recognise calorie-free, sound and feeling of affect, warmth and pain. Taste buds have begun forming on the tongue. Infant's reproductive arrangement also continues developing. The testes start descending from the abdomen if it is a baby boy and in girls' uterus, ovaries and vagina would have developed.

Calendar week 23 to Week 25

Week 23

Week 23 to Week 25

Yous may detect that your baby tends to exist more than active this week, particularly during the time when you are resting. The baby adopts a distinct pattern of sleep though they sleep for well-nigh of the time. By now, your baby may mensurate upward to 28 centimetres and weigh approximately 600 grams. A fatty layer starts forming in betwixt the muscles and skin and covers the blood vessels giving a better pare complexion.

Week 24

At 24 weeks, babies volition take increased breathing patterns. A substance called surfactant is produced in the baby's lungs and lines the lungs to help the babe breathe after it is born. Your baby may weigh more than than 600 grams by now and mensurate up to 30 centimetres in length. Baby's skin is very thin and delicate and has very niggling amount of trunk fatty.

Week 25

Your infant can now hear and recognise your vox and be calmed by listening to various types of music. Eyelids can open; your infant can even blink and react to brilliant light. Your baby is nearly 33 centimetres in length and may weigh virtually 800 grams. Baby'due south movements get more regular and you may find babe has resting and active periods.

Week 26 to Week 28

Week 26

Week 26 to Week 28

Your baby' skin may exist wrinkled though the body weight is about 907 grams. Baby volition steadily gain weight in the following xiv weeks. Every bit the nerves in the ear have adult completely, response to sound becomes more consequent. Baby'south brain likewise develops intensely as baby grows at a rapid charge per unit. Your baby continues to take small breaths of fluid surrounding it.

Calendar week 27

In the 27th calendar week of pregnancy, your baby weighs almost 1100 grams and measures 37 centimetres. Immune system develops in your infant equally your natural antibodies laissez passer into the babe through the placenta. Your baby is now able to coordinate the 'suck and consume' action which is essential for feeding later on birth. The power to distinguish light from nighttime besides develops by at present. Your baby will almost appear the mode she is going to wait at birth except that she is thinner and smaller.

Calendar week 28

By the stop of week 28, your babe may measure about 38 centimetres from head to toe and counterbalance slightly over 1000 grams. In this calendar week your babe can open up its optics and plow head towards a continuous bright source of low-cal from outside. The layers of fat continue to deposit and hair growth too continues. The baby's encephalon folds and grooves also develop and expand.

Calendar week 29 to Week 33

Calendar week 29

Week 29 to Week 33

The third trimester begins from the 29th week and lasts till birth that is around 40 weeks. Your infant weighs most 1350 grams and may be around 40 centimetre in length. Baby's brain increases in size and becomes more circuitous. The pupils in the infant's eyes can react to lite and your baby can focus without much difficulty and view dim shapes. Your baby's movements continue to be more agile and in instance y'all notice subtract in movements, consult your physician.

Week 30

Your baby volition go on gaining weight rather than growing in length from now onwards. Your baby may weigh around 1400 grams and go on depositing fat layers to gain weight. A special kind of fat called brown adipose tissue gets deposited which helps to regulate newborn infant's body temperature and serves equally important source of heat production after birth. About 1 litre of amniotic fluid may surround your baby now, but its level decreases as infant grows. Your baby's lungs are fully developed and baby may repeatedly motion the diaphragm imitating breathing movements. Your baby may too get hiccoughs which are felt equally rhythmic jerky movement inside your womb.

Calendar week 31

Your babe now weighs around 1700 grams and looks slightly chubby. The head to toe length of the baby would be about 43 centimetres. Your infant'southward lungs produce more than and more amounts of surfactant, a fatty liquid that keeps the lining of the lungs moist and efficient plenty for breathing. The 'suck and consume' action necessary for the babe to feed after nascence gets fully coordinated by the end of this week. Your baby may consume some amount of amniotic fluid and also pass several cups of 'urine' through float back into the amniotic fluid effectually information technology. Y'all may feel your baby does not make every bit many movements as before, but this is because of lack of infinite in the womb equally babe grows bigger.

Calendar week 32

Your infant will have hair on the head, eyelashes and eyebrows evident past at present. The fine hair that had covered infant's body from the 2nd trimester disappears, but some hairs may persist at birth on the back and shoulders. Your baby keeps practising breathing movements by inhaling amniotic fluid and exercising the lungs! If you lot are conveying a babe male child, his testicles descend from the abdomen into the scrotum.

Calendar week 33

Your baby will turn around and exist in a 'head down' position until nascency. Baby'due south movements may change into stretches and twists equally it grows bigger and at that place is relatively less space to move around in the womb. Your baby will weigh virtually 2100 grams and measure approximately 45 centimetres in length. During the remaining half-dozen weeks, the main task for your babe is to grow bigger by gaining weight and to boost the immune system with your antibodies. Now, your baby's encephalon has billions of well developed nerve cells which help your baby coordinate with the in utero environment by senses of hearing, sight and touch. Your baby will be able to distinguish dissimilar flavours, whether sweet or sour! Your infant is at sleep most of the times and may fifty-fifty feel dreams!

Week 34 to Calendar week 36

Week 34

Week 13

At 34 weeks, fat layers continue to deposit and your babe weighs around 2200 grams by now. Your infant's nervous system continues to mature and the lungs are near fully developed. You can fifty-fifty talk to your baby every bit the hearing power is fully developed. The fine hair (lanugo) has fallen off but the waxy covering on your babe'due south peel, vernix caseosa becomes thicker.

Calendar week 35

Your baby's expected delivery date is fast approaching and your baby is now in normal proportion and plump! Your babe could weigh around 2600 grams and measure upto 47 centimetres head to toe by this week. Now onwards the overall growth of your baby becomes tedious but weight proceeds increases considerably to upwards to approximately 230 grams per week. From this week, the most rapid weight gain catamenia begins and fat deposits throughout babe's body particularly around shoulders.

Week 36

Your pregnancy completes total-term by the cease of this week and you could give birth to your baby any time from now! Your babe may weigh about 2700 grams and you lot may experience increasing pressure in the lower part of your abdomen. Your infant's cheeks go chubbier which adds to the fullness of your baby'due south face. While your baby's head is in the pelvis, the skull bones may also move in relation to one another (molding). It facilitates easy passage of your baby through nascence canal.

Week 37 to Calendar week 40

Calendar week 37

Week 37 to Week 40

Your baby may weigh about 3000 grams and measure well-nigh 48.5 centimetres head to toe length. Your baby is regarded every bit 'total term' or being on time if born later on this week. The thick white layer on baby's skin (vernix) remains, but the fine hair roofing the body, lanugo would have disappeared by this week. However, fat continues depositing at the rate of 14 grams a mean solar day!

Week 38

You are just two calendar week away of belongings your little ane in your easily! Though baby's growth has slowed downward, fatty however accumulates. Waste substances begin collecting in the baby's intestines. Dead skin cells, intestinal cells and lanugo hair pile upwards to form the greenish-black meconium, baby's outset bowel movement.

Week 39

Nearly all of the vernix coated on the infant's pare has disappeared just in that location may be some remaining in the armpits or groin areas. Your baby's breathing exercises usually stop about 24-48 hours prior to commencement of the labour. Nigh 75-100 ml of amniotic fluid remains in the infant'southward lungs and hormones released during labour initiates absorption of fluid from the lungs into the claret stream. Umbilical string may get entangled around babe'southward neck sometimes, in this example a Caesarean section would be required if it causes problems.

Week 40

After much of expectations and preparation, yous may welcome your baby this week. Your baby at term may weigh in the range of 2800 grams to 4500 grams and measure somewhere effectually 46 to 56 centimetres. Your newborn may have slight variations such equally misshapen head, vernix coating, skin discolourations, dry patches or rashes. All these are quite normal and will resolve in few days.


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